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AR Payment Platform
August 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Close up of man hand using calculator.

Introducing our Accounts Receivable Payment Technology Platform, designed to address the specific challenges faced by AR professionals. With our solution, you can accept any payment securely and efficiently. We offer multiple payment options, streamline workflows, and provide access to comprehensive transaction. Rest assured that your customer data is safeguarded with the utmost in data security and fraud prevention measures in place. You can also count on fast, courteous, and helpful live support. Take your AR to the next level with Any Payment, Any Time, Always Secure.

The following are some challenges faced by AR professionals:

  • Delayed Payments - We help AR professionals accept any payment, at any time, and always secure, allowing you to optimize cash flow management.
  • Costly Errors from manual workflows- Manual processes cause errors and become costly to the organization. Creating automated workflows through our integrations reduces errors and allows your AR team to focus on their core responsibilities.
  • Loss of Valued Time - Managing Multiple Vendors - Managing multi-platform payment vendors creates more time to manage and correlate data for real time reporting. We can help centralize these platforms into one unified commerce.
  • Timely Responsiveness & Customer Support - Payment acceptance is a critical function for a business and not having dedicated support to help solve the situation or ask questions can be costly. We are committed to dedicated support and being proactive with our partners to navigate future initiatives and overcome potential challenges together.
  • Increasing Cost of Accepting Payments - AR professionals continue to see increases in payment processing fees that can impact overall profitability. We help assess this cost structure and also provide recommendations for Zero Cost processing and other options to help reduce the processing fees for credit cards and ACH. Expect to realize a 20-35% reduction in AR processing fees.
  • Regulatory Compliance & Fraud Prevention - Staying abreast of and adhering to changing financial regulations and compliance requirements can be challenging. Non-compliance can lead to penalties and legal issues. We are a PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant service with real-time fraud prevention tools to help protect your business and your client's data.

With our unified commerce platform you will realize savings, increase efficiency, gain insights, protect customer data, and enjoy reliable and responsive USA-based support.

Its easy to get started... Schedule a discovery call, recieve an analysis including ROI and recommendations, and get back to what you do best!

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