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Reducing Employee Healthcare Costs
August 14, 2024 at 9:30 PM

At Business Solutions Group (BSG), we recognize the burden that rising healthcare costs place on businesses. With 96% of US employers still paying retail prices for employee healthcare, we offer a powerful solution to lower these expenses by 30% to 70%, all while maintaining or improving the quality of care. Our Healthcare Cost Reduction Services are designed to help you regain control over your healthcare spending, allowing you to redirect savings into other critical areas of your business.

Leveraging our industry expertise and innovative strategies, we tailor healthcare solutions that align with your company’s unique needs, ensuring that you don't need a pre-packaged plan. We focus on cost containment without compromising on the quality of healthcare provided to your employees. Whether you're frustrated by astronomical yearly increases or feel powerless over your healthcare budget, BSG is here to help you navigate these challenges and secure high-quality healthcare at the lowest possible cost.

Our Promise To You:

1. Unbiased Answers: We do not sell healthcare products or services. We are an objective, neutral, unbiased employee healthcare consulting firm. Our fiduciary responsibility is to you.

2. Huge Cost Reductions: Through heavy lifting and guidance, most employer groups reduce costs by ~$100-$300+ per employee, per month.

3. Hand-in-Hand Implementation: Our team forensically analyzes, architects, and collaboratively assembles those cost-reduction strategies that will work best for your organization.

How can we possibly reduce employee healthcare costs, gain access to higher-quality care, and increase the level of support without increasing premiums?

  • Healthcare and healthcare insurance are not the same thing.
  • Healthcare insurance is the funding mechanism we’ve all been trained to use in order to obtain healthcare.
  • Think of it like using a credit card to make a big purchase. The credit card company earns money by facilitating the transaction and charging you interest. It feels safer because it is a buffer between the purchase and your bank account but in the end, you pay more.
  • While appropriately managing the funding mechanism is certainly important, our energies are more focused on effectively controlling those causes that are actually driving up employee healthcare costs, in the first place
  • We teach employers how the system has been set-up, expose those practices that drive up healthcare costs, and reveal how to access wholesale pricing, which is generally 30% – 70%+ less than pre-packaged plans.
  • 96% of US employers do not realize how easy it is to gain access to high quality, wholesale priced, employee healthcare. STOP overspending!

This is where we can help:

  • You aren't powerless. There are literally 100s of easy to adapt cost-containment practices that you've never been advised of. Because if you had, it would cannibalize the revenues of those you trust most to help you control these costs.
  • You don't need a pre-packaged plan. Those "convenient" healthcare plans are designed with the industry's best interests in mind, not yours.
  • Healthcare expenses are not just an HR issue. With tactical C-suite involvement, you can secure high-quality employee healthcare at the lowest cost.

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